Woman Wakes Up From Minor Surgery To Find Her Front Teeth Knocked Out
By Consumers for Quality Care, on July 13, 2017
Gail Tapp, woke up from a minor surgery at Forth Worth’s USMD Hospital to find that her front teeth had been knocked out, CBS DFW reports.
Tapp said doctors at USMD Hospital in Fort Worth told her husband they had accidentally knocked out three teeth while removing her breathing tube after routine bladder surgery.
The couple was told that the hospital’s insurance would cost to repair the damage.
Her husband, Manuel Dominguez, said he was handed a small box with the teeth inside as doctors assured him the hospital would cover the cost of the dental work.
However, insurance has refused to cover the $15,000 dental bill for a permanent bridge.
Her dental insurance covered a small part of it but the couple said they paid for most of the bill. Tapp and Dominguez said USMD refused to reimburse them.
Now, the hospital is saying that Tapp acknowledged there were risks with the surgery and, therefore, the hospital has no responsibility to pay.
Tapp are fighting the hospital’s decision to not reimburse them for the dental work.
Meanwhile Tapp and Dominguez are stuck with an oral surgery bill they never expected. “We want them to pay these bills… we just want them to do the right thing.”