As Pandemic-Era Waivers Expire, Consumers Face Difficulties Receiving Virtual Care Across State Lines
By Consumers for Quality Care, on July 6, 2022

As pandemic-era emergency health orders expire, consumers have had a difficult time continuing virtual visits with doctors in other states, NBC News reports.
Pandemic-era waivers allowed patients to receive virtual care from providers licensed in other states, causing a 2-year boom in telehealth services. However, as waivers begin to lapse, old rules regarding when doctors can practice in other states have been reimposed.
Currently, only 12 states have pandemic-era waivers in place, with several set to expire soon. Licensing is a major hurdle to broad telehealth availability and numerous proposals to ease access have gained little traction. CQC urges lawmakers to take action to ease patient access to virtual health care, both during and after the public health emergency ends.