CA Boy Denied Lifesaving Heart Surgery
By Consumers For Quality Care , on August 14, 2019

Noah Connally was born with a rare heart condition, and by the time he turned one, he had already undergone three separate heart surgeries. Now at 3 years old, he needs another lifesaving heart surgery, KTLA reports.
Niccole and Sean Connally scheduled their son’s surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital. They were set to fly to Boston from California when their insurer – Anthem Blue Cross of California – called to say that they would not cover the surgery.
“We can have heart surgery in California, but we can’t have this heart surgery in California,” Niccole said.
The family appealed Anthem’s decision, but was denied again. Now Niccole and Sean, who are both teachers, are facing a $1 million bill to get their son help.
The Connallys are still trying to pressure their insurance company to authorize the surgery, but said they are willing to do whatever it takes to help Noah live a normal life.
The Connallys have set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money for Noah’s surgery.