Congress to Tackle Telehealth in 2022 to Address Consumers’ Needs
By Consumers For Quality Care, on January 26, 2022

Many telehealth restrictions were lifted at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic—and several bipartisan telehealth bills are currently making their way through Congress to ensure that telehealth remains a viable care delivery option for patients and providers. Despite overwhelming support among consumers for telehealth use, there are many potential factors that could stall their passage, according to mHealth Intelligence.
The finalized version of the expansive Cures 2.0 Act was introduced in Congress last November and focuses on expediting the delivery of treatments and innovations to patients, including telehealth. Another piece of legislation is the Connect for Health Act, which would allow telestroke evaluation and management sites, Native American health service facilities, and dialysis facilities to serve as originating sites for telehealth visits. The U.S. House of Representatives and Senate have each introduced several other bills aiming to expand telehealth use and access.
Strong bipartisan support for telehealth-related bills is unsurprising. A recent CQC survey revealed that 55 percent of Americans say they have used telehealth services, with 69 percent saying they are likely to use telehealth services even after the pandemic.
CQC urges lawmakers to pass legislation that will reduce barriers and expand the use of telehealth services for consumers both during and after the public health emergency is over.