Consumers Report Delaying Care Due to Costs
By Consumers for Quality Care, on July 6, 2022

A new report reveals a high number of consumers are delaying procedures, treatment, and medications due to the high cost of health care, according to Fierce Healthcare.
The survey polled upwards of 10,000 consumers with employer-sponsored health insurance and found that 28 percent reported having to defer or cancel a medical procedure altogether, while 17 percent did not fill a prescription. Twenty-five percent of those who deferred care said they did so because they could not afford their preferred method of care and another 23 percent stated they were unsure of the total cost.
The long-term risks of consumers delaying care and treatment has the potential to lead to even larger health complications, with 58 percent who said it was very difficult to afford care indicating their health has deteriorated.
Regina Ihrke, a Senior Director of Health and Benefits at Willis Towers Watson, said, “the ability to access and afford healthcare has always been a high priority for employers and employees.”
For too many consumers, health care costs are unpredictable and unaffordable. CQC calls for greater transparency around costs and urges providers and lawmakers to work together to improve consumers’ access to quality care.