Consumers With Medical Debt Often Delay Needed Care
By Consumers For Quality Care, on November 17, 2021

More than a third of consumers with medical debt have reported delaying needed health care, according to a recent survey covered by Becker’s Hospital Review.
“It’s scary and sad to know people are forgoing their physical and mental health for fear that they’ll ruin their financial health with medical treatment,” said Jonathan Wiik, principal of healthcare strategy at TransUnion Healthcare, which conducted the survey.
Wiik explained that, while the COVID-19 pandemic was certainly a factor in the increase in consumers seeking financial assistance, predatory hospitals billing practices also have contributed.
Patients should never have to defer medical care for fear of going into financial ruin. Policymakers must work to fix the health care system to ensure all consumes can access the care they require, and hospitals must put an end to toxic billing practices.