Costs Of Health Insurance Continue To Go Up, Even For The Insured
By Consumers For Quality Care, on October 20, 2020
The New York Times recently reported on a new survey by Kaiser Family Foundation which showed that, even for families who have health insurance through their employer, costs continue to go up.
Millions of Americans have lost their employer-sponsored health plans during the pandemic. But even for those who are lucky enough to still have insurance, annual costs of health plans increased to $21,342, with workers footing $5,588 of that bill.
While costs only rose marginally compared to last year, since 2010, premiums have risen 55%. That number is more than double the rise in both wages and inflation for the same period.
One of the biggest changes from the survey over the last decade was the increase in the average deductible for an individual. That number increased to $1,644, twice as high as it was in 2010.