COVID-19 Patients May Owe Thousands for After-Hospital Care
By Consumers for Quality Care, on March 23, 2022

Although insurance companies were required to waive charges for COVID-19 hospitalizations, 10 percent of patients still had out-of-pocket costs of $2,000 or more for care that took place after they left the hospital. This is according to a new study from the American Journal of Managed Care and reported by the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.
Researchers found that for nearly 8,000 patients who were hospitalized for COVID-19 from March to June 2020, the medium out-of-pocket costs after hospital release for patients was roughly $280. Unfortunately for 10 percent of patients, these costs exceeded $2,000.
The study authors noted that many COVID-19 survivors need extensive care after hospitalization, and now that most insurers have stopped issuing waivers, survivors could face substantial costs for both hospitalization and aftercare.
CQC urges lawmakers and insurers to do all they can to ensure patients can access quality, affordable care for COVID-19 treatment because no patient should ever skip care or go bankrupt for getting the care they need.