Cristina From Florida Discusses Dealing With Medical Billing Errors

By Consumers For Quality Care, on August 5, 2019

Cristina From Florida Discusses Dealing With Medical Billing Errors

Cristina from Florida was left frustrated after her son’s visit to the emergency room for breathing problems ended with a medical billing error, multiple bills, and a back and forth between the hospital administrator and her insurer to have the visit covered

Cristina from Florida described the long process of getting the medical billing error for her son’s emergency room visit fixed, including needing to take time off work and multiple follow-ups with the hospital and insurer.

Her baby needed to go to the emergency room because of breathing problems but a billing error coded the visit as a simple cold. Cristina from Florida describes the frustration of having to deal with the hospital and insurance to get the bill fixed, all while making sure her son was able to get the medication and care he needed.