Health Care Costs Are Expected to Rise for Employer-Based Health Plans
By Consumers for Quality Care, on October 12, 2022

Over the next 3 years, seven in ten employers expect moderate to significant jumps in the cost of employee health benefits, according to a survey reported by Axios.
For more than a decade, consumers with employer-based health insurance have seen their out-of-pocket expenses increase with the rise in high-deductible insurance plans. Now, employers will face a difficult decision in response to rising costs once more: whether they take on the added costs themselves or pass them on to their employees.
“There’s this terrible reality that they’re trying to increase affordability at the same time the actual total cost is going up more than they expected,” said WTW’s Jeff Levin-Scherz.
CQC remains concerned about how increasing costs of employer-based health plans will impact consumers and urges employers and providers to remain vigilant to ensure employees do not ultimately bear the burden of this cost.