Profits Over Patients: How the Big Business of Hospitals Harms Consumers
Across the country, hospitals are acting like big businesses with one thing in mind: profits. From mergers and acquisitions that leave longtime patients out in the cold, to nonprofit hospitals skirting charity requirements while hounding low-income patients for unpaid bills, hospitals are prioritizing profits over patients.
Join us for a panel discussion on the need to recenter our nation’s hospital system around patient care. After the panel, we’ll screen the documentary film “InHospitable,” which exposes our dysfunctional health care system and the big business of nonprofit hospitals. This gripping film tells an inspiring David and Goliath story of patients and activists as they fight UPMC, a multi-billion-dollar hospital system, for making vital care unaffordable for hundreds of thousands of vulnerable patients in western Pennsylvania.
June 22, 2023 • 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM ET
Miracle Theatre
535 8th St SE
Washington, DC 20003

Sandra C. Alvarez
Director/Producer, InHospitable

Hon. Donna Christensen, MD
Former U.S. Representative (D-Virgin Islands), physician and CQC Board Member

Frederick Isasi
Executive Director, Families USA

Jason Resendez
Health Care Advocate and CQC Board Member

Vicki Arnett
Nurse & Patient Advocate
InHospitable Trailer
CQC’s #HospitalFail Campaign
CQC’s Nonprofit Hospital Scorecards call out disturbing trends among nonprofit hospitals as we urge lawmakers to put an end to predatory hospital practices and ensure that nonprofit hospitals truly act like nonprofits.