Low-income Children in Montana Lack the Health Care Coverage They Need
By Consumers for Quality Care, on July 14, 2021

In a recent study, Montana ranked 29th in the nation in terms of health insurance coverage for children – a bleak picture for kids in urban, rural and tribal areas of the state. There are approximately 15,000 children in Montana who are not covered by health insurance, putting them at increased risk of going without care for illnesses or injuries or developing larger health problems down the road.
Lauren Wilson, a Missoula pediatrician, wrote, “Ensuring that every child has health insurance is a simple, effective way to help a new generation of Montanans grow into healthy and thriving adults.”
An analysis of the data shows that children from low-income families were less likely to be insured, despite being eligible for programs such as Medicaid or Healthy Montana Kids (HMK).
No parent should have to deplete their savings or take on enormous debt to ensure their child receives medical treatment. CQC urges lawmakers to focus on expanding access and ensuring all children can get the health insurance coverage they need.