Medicaid and ACA Stabilized Uninsured Rate in 2020
By Consumers For Quality Care, on November 10, 2021

Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) coverage kept the number of uninsured Americans steady in 2020, despite mass job loss and disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare Dive report that roughly 28-31.6 million individuals were uninsured in 2020, about the same as the 30 million in 2019.
Despite the uncertainty of the year, consumers were able to rely on public safety net programs to access insurance. However, the data showed that disparities in health insurance coverage continue to persist. Uninsured rates continued to be higher among traditionally underserved populations, including Latinos, Black Americans, and people with incomes below the poverty line. Uninsured rates were also higher in states that haven’t expanded Medicaid.
Congress and the White House are focused on expanding access to health insurance for all consumers including those who are most at risk of being uninsured. CQC applauds policymakers for making health care accessible and affordable for more consumers, especially in underserved communities.