New Yorkers Will No Longer Face Risk of Losing Their Home Over Medical Debt
By Consumers for Quality Care, on December 21, 2022

Consumers in New York will no longer face liens on homes or garnished wages from health care providers attempting to collect outstanding medical debt thanks to a new law signed by New York Governor Kathy Hochul, according to Spectrum 1 Local News.
Roughly 50,000 New York consumers have faced lawsuits over medical bills past due. The predatory practice of placing liens on a consumer’s primary residence has actually led to housing instability across the state.
“No one should face the threat of losing their home or falling into further debt after seeking medical care,” said Governor Hochul, who earlier this year called on the legislature to enact measures to protect consumers struggling with medical debt. “I’m proud to sign legislation today that will end this harmful and predatory collection practice to help protect New Yorkers from these unfair penalties. With medical debt a burden for far too many, this is an important step to address this crucial issue.”
CQC urges federal and state legislators across the nation to crack down on predatory medical debt practices.