Consumers for Quality Care Calls Out Harmful Collection Practices of Community Health Systems, Inc. Hospitals
By Consumers For Quality Care, on May 18, 2021

For Immediate Release
May 18, 2021
Consumers for Quality Care Calls Out Harmful Collection Practices of Community Health Systems, Inc. Hospitals
WASHINGTON – Recent reporting revealed that hospitals owned by one of America’s largest hospital chains, Community Health Systems, Inc., have filed at least 19,000 lawsuits against patients over unpaid medical bills over the course of the coronavirus pandemic. Despite a devastated economy and record job loss that impacted many of their patients, hospitals owned by Community Health Systems pursued lawsuits for as much as $162,000.
Consumers for Quality Care (CQC) released the following statement in response to the news:
“We are dismayed to learn that yet another hospital system is aggressively pursuing toxic, predatory collection practices against patients, especially during a pandemic that has resulted in unprecedented economic suffering for so many. While Community Health Systems enjoyed record profits and received hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded support, they continued to pursue thousands of lawsuits, leaving many on the verge of financial ruin.
“More than 65% of all bankruptcies are tied to medical issues. No patient should fear bankruptcy or unsustainable medical debt due to seeking treatment. Yet, that is the reality for far too many Americans as hospitals like those owned by Community Health Systems relentlessly engage in predatory collection practices, even during a global pandemic. We strongly urge Community Health Systems – and all hospitals – to immediately cease these practices. Enough is enough.”
Consumers for Quality Care (CQC) is a coalition of advocates and former policymakers working to provide a voice for patients in the health care debate as they demand better care. CQC is led by a board of directors that includes the Honorable Donna Christensen, physician and former Member of Congress; Jim Manley, former senior advisor to Senators Edward Kennedy and Harry Reid; and Jason Resendez, community advocate and health care strategist.
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