CQC Applauds Becerra Confirmation to HHS
By Consumers For Quality Care, on March 18, 2021

For Immediate Release
March 18, 2021
Contact: Press@Consumers4QualityCare.org
WASHINGTON – Board members of Consumers for Quality Care issued the following statement today applauding the Senate’s confirmation of Xavier Becerra to lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:
“Consumers for Quality Care congratulates Xavier Becerra today on his historic confirmation to be 25th U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the first Latino to serve in the role.
“As a two-decade legislator in Congress, and as California Attorney General, Becerra has fought tirelessly to ensure that high-quality health care is a right for people across the country. He understands that every consumer should have the security of seeing a doctor without facing sky-high or surprise medical bills that could drive them into bankruptcy or financial ruin.
“HHS touches almost every aspect of our lives and Becerra’s role leading the agency and addressing the nation’s unprecedented health challenges is more crucial than ever.
“The pandemic has exposed the glaring systemic inequities that have long persisted in our country’s health care system. As secretary, Becerra has promised to prioritize the implementation of policies that eliminate racial disparities and all forms of discrimination in health care services and insurance, and we are confident that is well suited to do just that.
“In addition, we encourage him to take on bad policies across the health care industry, like historically exclusionary research practices, and to reverse the policies implemented during the Trump administration that have hurt Americans and weakened our ability to fight the pandemic. This includes taking steps to prevent junk insurance plans from the market, ensuring that all health plans provide essential benefits without discrimination, and stopping state Medicaid waivers that impose unnecessary barriers and decrease access to quality health care for vulnerable people.
“We look forward to working with Secretary Becerra on these priorities and other needed improvements to our health care and public health systems.”
Consumers for Quality Care (CQC) is a coalition of advocates and former policymakers working to provide a voice for patients in the health care debate as they demand better care. CQC is led by a board of directors that includes the Honorable Donna Christensen, physician and former Member of Congress; Jim Manley, former senior advisor to Senators Edward Kennedy and Harry Reid; and Jason Resendez, community advocate, and health care strategist.
To learn more about Consumers for Quality Care and the issues consumers are experiencing, visit http://www.consumers4qualitycare.org/.