CQC Decries Welcome of Unfair Medicaid Work Requirements
By Consumers for Quality Care, on January 22, 2018

WASHINGTON – Consumers for Quality Care Board Member Donna Christensen issued the following statement today in response to the administration’s recently issued guidance, which allows states to institute work requirements on Medicaid recipients and penalize them if they fail to comply:
“The Medicaid program was established so that the most vulnerable Americans have access to quality health care services. Instituting work requirements and premiums as conditions for receiving care and imposing penalties for noncompliance will put the health of millions at risk.
“Data clearly shows that the majority of those on Medicaid already work, and those who do not are ill, disabled, caregivers or students. This harmful policy will put an unnecessary reporting burden on those individuals, as well as those with fluctuating incomes and unstable employment, putting their health benefits at risk.
“Sadly, some states have been quick to embrace these misguided rules, with many awaiting approvals on pending waivers with the administration. Kentucky Governor Bevin’s executive order goes as far as to threaten ending the state’s Medicaid expansion program to protect its newly approved waiver from legal challenges. We urge Governor Bevin and other governors contemplating implementation of work requirements, premiums and penalties for noncompliance to stop holding Medicaid recipients hostage in a political fight and remember the millions of people whose lives are at stake.”
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