CQC Welcomes New Coalition Partner: Choose Healthy Life
By Consumers For Quality Care, on April 29, 2021

For Immediate Release
April 29, 2021
Contact: press@consumers4qualitycare.org
WASHINGTON — Consumers for Quality Care (CQC), a coalition of advocates and former policymakers working to provide a voice for patients in the health care debate, is pleased to welcome Choose Healthy Life as a new coalition partner. Choose Healthy Life joins a robust group of organizations that advocate for high-quality, affordable health care.
Choose Healthy Life focuses on raising awareness, delivering education and addressing health disparities in the Black community through the Black church. Launched in five major U.S. cities – New York, Newark, Atlanta, Detroit, and Washington, DC – Choose Healthy Life has established an infrastructure of trusted health navigators within churches to support their community in the fight against COVID-19 and to address a multitude of health disparities among the Black population.
“Choose Healthy Life is an initiative that brings together local United Way agencies, health departments and community-based organizations, to ensure that Black churches – the oldest and most trusted institutions in the Black community – receive the necessary resources, training and support to make available quality health services to the region’s most vulnerable individuals,” said Debra Fraser-Howze, Founder of Choose Healthy Life. “Joining CQC’s coalition provides our Black clergy leadership with a platform to make sure the voices of those most underserved in the Black community are heard and receive the quality care they deserve.”
“We are delighted to welcome Choose Healthy Life as a partner of Consumers for Quality Care. Their objective in advancing health equity speaks to the core mission and origins of CQC,” said the Honorable Donna Christensen, CQC board member, physician, and former Member of Congress. “The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the persistent health disparities within the Black community, and we look forward to working with Choose Healthy Life to continue to shine a light on these issues and call for common-sense reforms to ensure members of the Black community and all communities have equal access to quality care.”
CQC is proud to partner with 26 leading advocacy organizations, patient advocate groups, and individual consumers to continue to shape the health care debate through research, consumer-focused advocacy, and direct action on critical issues at the state and national levels.
Consumers for Quality Care (CQC) is a coalition of advocates and former policymakers working to provide a voice for patients in the health care debate as they demand better care. CQC is led by a board of directors that includes the Honorable Donna Christensen, physician and former Member of Congress; Jim Manley, former senior advisor to Senators Edward Kennedy and Harry Reid; and Jason Resendez, health care advocate.
Choose Healthy Life is a sustainable, scalable and transferable approach to address public health disparities, centered around the Black church – the oldest and most trusted institutions in the Black community. Choose Healthy Life is addressing the pandemic in the Black Community by prioritizing COVID-19 testing and vaccination to our most vulnerable communities. For more information visit choosehealthylife.org