Eight Coalition Partners Join CQC to Fight for High-Quality Health Care
By Consumers for Quality Care, on August 28, 2017

WASHINGTON – Consumers for Quality Care (CQC) announced the launch of a coalition that will amplify the group’s fight to ensure that patients – and their right to high-quality health care – remain at the front of the health care debate. The new partners represent a diverse cross-section of groups which have long provided a voice for consumers to tell their stories and demonstrate to policymakers the imperative that is quality care.
The eight founding coalition partners include:
- National Minority Quality Forum – The National Minority Quality Forum is a not-for-profit, non-partisan research and education organization that uses data, scientific evidence, and proactive engagement to help assure that the American health services research, financing and delivery system is inclusive of, and assigns equal value to, the healthcare and health status of the full diversity of the American general population.
- Prevention Institute – Prevention Institute is a nonprofit organization that synthesizes research and practice; develops prevention tools and frameworks; designs and guides inter-sectoral partnerships; and provides training, technical assistance, and strategy developmentto promote innovative community-oriented solutions, better government and business practices, and policy changes to today’s pressing health and safety concerns.
- First Focus – First Focus is a nonpartisan advocacy organization dedicated to making children and families a priority in federal policy and budget decisions. First Focus takes a unique approach to children’s advocacy, engaging both traditional and non-traditional partners in a broad range of efforts to increase federal investments in programs that address the needs of our nation’s children.
- National Hispanic Council on Aging – The National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA) is the leading national organization working to improve the lives of Hispanic older adults, their families and their caregivers. NHCOA has been a strong voice dedicated to promoting, educating, and advocating for research, policy, and practice in the areas of economic security, health, and housing for more than 30 years.
- Center Forward – Center Forward brings together members of Congress, not-for-profits, academic experts, trade associations, corporations and unions to find common ground. Center Forward works to give centrist allies the information they need to craft common sense solutions, and provide those allies the support they need to turn those ideas into results.
- National Hispanic Medical Association – The National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) is a non-profit association representing the interests of 50,000 licensed Hispanic physicians in the United States. NHMA empowers Hispanic physicians to lead efforts to improve the health of Hispanic and other underserved populations in collaboration with Hispanic state medical societies, residents, and medical students, and other public and private sector partners.
- MANA- A National Latina Organization –MANA is an organization that represents the interests of Latina women, youth, and families on issues that impact communities. MANA’s mission is to empower Latinas through leadership development, community service, and advocacy with national goals that include advancing public policy for an equal and just society.
- Patient Power– Patient Power is an online organization that enables people to connect to an active community of medical experts, patient advocates and cancer patients through a variety of online and in person programs to help cancer patients gain access to a wealth of knowledge. Founded by two health communications pioneers, Patient Power is devoted to helping cancer patients and their families gain the knowledge they need to get the best medicine and return to or maintain good health.
“Since our recent launch, we’ve been encouraged by the tremendous support of groups across the health care and patient advocacy spectrum and we are thrilled to join with these groups as partners in the fight for quality care,” said Jason Resendez.
“In too many cases, patients are the forgotten voice in the health care debate, something these organizations know well. We stand ready to work with them to highlight the personal costs too many American families face when accessing quality care in cities and towns across the country. It’s time to put them first.”
CQC is led by a board of directors that works with patients and advocacy groups from across the United States to spotlight abuses in the health care system and demand accountability for such policies.
CQC’s board of directors includes the Honorable Donna Christensen, physician and former Member of Congress; Jim Manley, former senior advisor to Senators Harry Reid and Edward Kennedy; Scott Mulhauser, visiting fellow at The University of Pennsylvania and former senior advisor to the Senate Finance Committee and Vice President Joe Biden; and Jason Resendez, Executive Director of the LatinosAgainstAlzheimer’s Network and Coalition.
To learn more about Consumers for Quality Care and the issues consumers are experiencing, visit www.consumers4qualitycare.org.