Health care fails during open enrollment
By Jim Manley, on December 5, 2020

Open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is underway through Jan. 15 and like so many events during the coronavirus pandemic, this year it will look a lot different.
This year, 137,000 Pennsylvanians became newly uninsured between February and May due to the pandemic.
With the economic and public health impacts of coronavirus, open enrollment is arguably more important now than ever before, and Pennsylvanians must be aware of the pitfalls that lurk with some insurance, including surprise medical bills, barebones short-term, limited-duration health insurance (STLDI) plans and changes to the way some insurers treat cost sharing coupons for prescriptions.
Surprise bills are nothing new, but we are seeing far too many stories of Americans who are getting hit with major unexpected costs for COVID-19 treatment and testing, despite federal mandates that consumers not be charged for these services.
This Letter to the Editor appeared in The Lockhaven Express and The Williamsport Sun-Gazette.