Op-Ed: In Push to Reshape Medicaid, States Must Put Patients First
By Jim Manley, Donna Christensen, Scott Mulhauser & Jason Resendez, on October 4, 2017

With all the buzz over Republicans’ failed efforts to repeal Obamacare, many Americans may assume that all the action to overhaul health care is happening in Congress. Nothing could be further from the truth. Less noticed, but also critically important, is the fact that governors across the nation, including here in Massachusetts, have been invited by Trump administration health officials to reshape their states’ Medicaid programs through a process of requesting special federal waivers.
The power Gov. Baker holds to reshape MassHealth is significant considering the 1.9 million Bay Staters — 30 percent of Massachusetts residents — who have access to health care through Medicaid. Patients should be the first and most important stakeholder in any health-care policy decision, whether that decision is made by a legislator, health-insurance commissioner, insurance company CEO, president, or — as in this case — a state governor.