Statement: Avoid Dangerous Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance Plans During Open Enrollment
By Consumers For Quality Care, on December 4, 2018

WASHINGTON – With less than two weeks of the open enrollment period for health plans under the Affordable Care Act left and with many consumers making health plan choices at this point in the year, Consumers for Quality Care (CQC) issued the following statement to warn consumers about the dangers of short-term, limited-duration insurance plans.
“Short-term, limited-duration insurance plans are low-quality and often lack comprehensive, essential coverage like maternity care or mental health treatment and allow insurers to deny coverage based on preexisting conditions. While these plans are touted as a more affordable option for consumers, they simply provide an illusion of sufficient coverage. Consumers who are seeking a lower premium often do not realize short-term health plans may not protect them when they are sick, leaving them with large surprise bills for uncovered care.
“With less than two weeks left in open enrollment, we urge consumers to steer clear of these bare-bones plans. While some states have imposed limits on these plans, the Congressional Budget Office estimates 2 million people will buy them. It is important for consumers to read the fine print and consider their options carefully.
“As an organization committed to providing a voice for consumers in the health care debate, we were proud to join hundreds of other patient advocates in opposing the administration’s rule to expand access to these plans earlier this year, and we will continue to voice our opposition to the continued efforts to strip down quality coverage for vulnerable consumers. In the meantime, we encourage consumers to stay informed and seek plans offering comprehensive coverage, including adequate provider networks and essential health benefits, during open enrollment.”
Consumers for Quality Care (CQC) is a coalition of advocates and former policy makers working to provide a voice for patients in the health care debate as they demand better care. CQC is led by a board of directors that includes the Honorable Donna Christensen, physician and former Member of Congress; Jim Manley, former senior advisor to Senators Edward Kennedy and Harry Reid; Scott Mulhauser, founder of Aperture Strategies and former senior advisor to the Senate Finance Committee and Vice President Joe Biden; and Jason Resendez, community advocate and Executive Director of the LatinosAgainstAlzheimer’s Network and Coalition.
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