NJ Mom & Cancer Patient Fights Insurance Decision
By Consumers for Quality Care, on November 7, 2019

Beth Galdo Desher, a mom from South Jersey, has been doing all she can to keep her metastatic breast cancer under control. Since the 42-year-old was diagnosed with stage 3 bilateral breast cancer three years ago, she has undergone a double mastectomy and months of chemotherapy, radiation and strong medications. Now, Galdo Desher is fighting her insurance company as well as her cancer, FOX 29 reports.
Medications have kept Galdo Desher’s cancer from progressing. Her doctor has her undergo routine PET scans to monitor any potential growth. It seemed as if her care was on track, until August. When Galdo Desher went to have her 6th PET scan in the last few years, her insurance company denied the scan.
Her doctor appealed the decision, writing to the insurer, but Independent Blue Cross denied the scan again.
This time, Galdo Desher turned to social media uploading a YouTube video called “My Health Insurance Company Is Trying To Kill Me.” She says that she has had false negatives before and the scans are the only way for her to truly know her treatment is keeping the cancer at bay.
Galdo Desher says she is fighting for other patients as well as herself. Her case is currently in its third round of appeals.
“To be the voice for other metastatic patients and patients in general, who just accept the fact when they are denied and just say oh ok. It’s not ok,” she said. “No, I’m not done I’m gonna get what I need one way or another that’s just who I am and I won’t stop.”