Protect Oregon’s Most Vulnerable

Oregonians deserve a strong Medicaid program. Unfortunately, a proposed Medicaid waiver put forward by the state of Oregon would be harmful for Oregonians and could greatly restrict access to the medications many rely on by limiting the prescription medications covered under Oregon’s Medicaid plan. This would have drastic consequences for Oregonians – especially those with chronic conditions – who rely on treatments that have been prescribed by their doctors and proven to work for them but will be no longer be covered under by their insurance. Oregon has also requested permission to limit coverage of drugs newly approved by the FDA, which could limit enrollee access to innovative and ground-breaking medicine that can save lives.

Oregon’s proposed Medicaid waiver would have the effects of:

Prioritizing cutting costs over the health of Oregonians: This action by the state prioritizes cutting costs over the health and wellbeing of the people of Oregon, effectively preventing them from accessing treatments that best meet their personal needs.

  • Strictly limiting coverage options for patients could have long-term health effects for many Oregonians, including children who are at risk of having medically necessary treatment withheld if it is “below line” on Oregon’s “Prioritized List” of health services.
  • If the state adopts a closed formulary, Oregon Health Plan (state Medicaid) enrollees will not have access to the medication they have been prescribed by their doctors.
  • Coverage decisions that are underpinned by cost-effectiveness determinations — and based on population level assessments of effectiveness — will prevent patients from accessing the treatments that best meet their personal needs.

Exacerbating inequities, especially among those with chronic health conditions: The strict formulary included in the waiver will have the unintended consequence of widening health disparities by restricting the wide array of medications available to Medicaid enrollees.

  • Instead of making newly discovered medicines available, which may help reduce health disparities that disproportionately impact low-income people and communities of color, the waiver restricts their access to those who can afford them.
  • Research has shown that formulary restrictions will also greatly decrease care for Medicaid beneficiaries living with HIV/AIDS, Arthritis, and numerous other chronic conditions.

Please send an email urging your Members of Congress to tell the state not to cut prescription drug benefits for people on Oregon’s health plan, and to let doctors decide what treatments work best.

A proposed Medicaid waiver put forward by the state of Oregon would be harmful for Oregonians and could greatly restrict access to the medications many rely on by limiting the prescription medications covered under Oregon’s Medicaid plan. This would have drastic consequences for Oregonians – especially those with chronic conditions – who rely on treatments that have been prescribed by their doctors and proven to work for them but will be no longer be covered under by their insurance. Oregon has also requested permission to limit coverage of drugs newly approved by the FDA, which could limit enrollee access to innovative and ground-breaking medicine that can save lives.

Oregon’s proposed Medicaid waiver would have the effects of:

  • Prioritizing cutting costs over the health of Oregonians; and
  • Exacerbating inequities, especially among those with chronic health conditions.

Please send an email urging your Members of Congress to tell the state not to cut prescription drug benefits for people on Oregon’s health plan, and to let doctors decide what treatments work best.