Partnership in Muskegon County, Michigan Aims to Relieve Burden of Medical Debt
By Consumers for Quality Care, on December 6, 2022

Two nonprofit organizations, Access Health and RIP Medical Debt, have partnered to form a collaboration that will aim to help Muskegon County, Michigan consumers reduce or even eliminate their medical debt, Fox 17 reports.
Access Health aids consumers in Muskegon County who do not qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford traditional health insurance. RIP Medical Debt purchases medical debt from hospitals for pennies on the dollar, ultimately removing that burden from consumers.
The two entities hope that their partnership can get local hospitals to come to the table to identify opportunities to acquire qualifying medical debt. Additionally, the collaboration aims to better understand which consumers are most vulnerable to medical debt.
CQC applauds efforts like these that aim to address and alleviate the medical debt crisis for consumers. CQC also urges lawmakers and the Biden administration to address the root causes of medical debt and protect consumers.