Racial Disparities Persist in Cardiac Care
By Consumers for Quality Care, on November 30, 2022

Black Americans, despite being more likely to face heart failure, receive less cardiac care than their white counterparts, according to a report from the REVIVAL study and reported by Axios.
According to the study, Black patients were less likely to receive cardiac care therapies such as pumps and transplants than white patients. The study also found that Black patients received less care, despite adequate access, insurance coverage, and a willingness to seek treatment.
The study displays yet another example of racial disparities found in our health care system, which have a negative impact on health care outcomes, particularly among communities of color. “We need to acknowledge our role in creating these inequities and hopefully move forward and be part of the change,” said Thomas Cascino, study author and cardiologist at the University of Michigan Health Frankel Cardiovascular Center.
CQC urges lawmakers, providers, and regulators to do their part to identify and address racial disparities in our health care system.