Rising Health Care Costs are Top Concern for Consumers as Open Enrollment Period Begins
By Consumers for Quality Care, on November 2, 2022

The cost of health care will be a major concern for consumers as the open enrollment period for health care coverage for 2023 begins, according to a survey conducted by Gravie and Wakefield Research and reported by Fierce Healthcare.
“Consumers are concerned about the high costs of health coverage impacting their access to healthcare, increasing medical debt and the lack of mental health coverage,” according to Gravie and Wakefield Research.
The Kaiser Family Foundation predicts that premiums for ACA health plans might rise by as much as 10 percent, while an Aon report expects employers to pay 6.5 percent more for employee health care coverage in the new year.
Gravie and Wakefield Research surveyed 1,000 consumers across the U.S about their worries surrounding health care coverage, finding that 86 percent of respondents are concerned that their benefits do not cover some or all of their exams, procedures, and treatments. Moreover, 71 percent of consumers are worried their benefits do not include mental health, and two-thirds are concerned that their families will not have mental health coverage either.
CQC urges lawmakers to act swiftly to make sure health care is affordable and accessible for millions of consumers.