St. Louis Father Dies After Hospital Refuses Treatment
By Consumers For Quality Care, on February 12, 2021

According to CBS St. Louis, a father died after a hospital refused him treatment.
Sadie Bell recalls going to Barnes Jewish Hospital twice after her husband complained about severe chest pain. Each time, the hospital refused to admit him and instead prescribed Ibuprofen before sending him home.
When he was finally rushed to the hospital for a third time, Bell found her husband sitting outside begging doctors to run tests and admit him. They refused. Shortly after, Bell’s husband took his last breath in the hospital parking lot.
“I don’t know what they thought and I just don’t understand why they wouldn’t help him,” Bell said.
Data from the American Medical Association (AMA) shows that Black Americans have a 24% higher mortality rate than white Americans because doctors don’t properly address pain levels from Black patients. National medical records also show that Black Americans don’t receive the same health care as white patients.
“I don’t want any family to feel what we’re feeling right now,” she said.