States Need Help Enforcing Mental Health Parity Laws
By Consumers for Quality Care, on November 15, 2022

According to researchers from the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, and reported by Healthcare Dive, state insurance departments lack the resources needed to enforce federal mental health protections for the estimated 53 million Americans affected by mental illness. According to the researchers, state insurance departments need more federal support to ensure robust compliance and equitable access to mental health care.
The research found that insurer compliance with the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA) is lacking due to several reasons ranging from failure to submit adequate information to state insurance departments to clear noncompliance.
Not only do state insurance departments lack the resources for effective oversight of MHPAEA, but a lack of awareness about the federal parity law among consumers and providers further hinders enforcement.
CQC urges lawmakers and regulators to take action to prioritize mental health care parity and ensure all patients have access to the mental health care they need.