Survey Finds Most Oklahoma Hospitals Failing to Comply with Price Transparency Rules
By Consumers for Quality Care, on September 28, 2022

A patient advocacy group reports that around 94 percent of Oklahoma hospitals are not in full compliance with the federal price transparency rule, according to The Norman Transcript.
After reviewing 46 of the state’s 165 hospitals, all but 3 failed to fully comply with the rule.
Cynthia Fisher, founder of, said Oklahoma had one of the lowest compliance rates in the country. “Quite frankly, the hospitals and the insurance companies, they don’t want you to know this data,” Fisher said. “They don’t want you to know that you and I could pay 10 times different for the same care in the same hospital on the same day for the same code. None of us would tolerate being charged 10 times more for a gallon of milk in the grocery store than the person in front of us in line.”
CQC urges increased action and oversight by lawmakers and regulators to ensure hospitals are releasing price transparency data in a timely, accessible way that benefits consumers.