Top-Rated Hospitals Often Fall Short on Social Responsibility
By Consumers For Quality Care, on October 6, 2021

According to Healthcare Dive, none of the top 20 hospitals as ranked by U.S. News & World Report received top marks in all three metrics of social responsibility, and only 75 of 3,000 hospitals ranked by the Lown Institute Hospitals Index received top scores across all three categories.
The three metrics of social responsibility measured were equity, value and outcomes. Equity is judged based on inclusivity, pay equity and community benefit; value is determined by cost efficiency and avoiding overuse; and outcomes includes patient satisfaction and safety.
The top-ranked hospitals did not receive high marks in all three categories, largely because of low grades in equity. “We think that hospitals represent really kind of probably the central part, certainly the most visible and the most active part, of all of American healthcare,” Lown Institute President Vikas Saini said. “And to get a better healthcare system, hospitals absolutely have to be part of the solution.”
Hospitals play a vital role in our health care system and share in the responsibility to provide for more equitable care and benefits for consumers, staff and the community.