Woman Goes To Hospital, Billed Thousands For Services Supposed To Be Free
By Consumers For Quality Care, on June 3, 2020

WBTV Charlotte covers the story of DeShawna Manley, who says she was billed thousands of dollars after she and her daughter were tested for coronavirus.
Manley says she was shocked to see the nearly $2,500 bill despite the federal CARES Act, which mandates coronavirus testing be free.
“I just don’t know if other people have had this happen to them and they’re getting the bill, and if they can pay it, they are just paying it and not questioning it,” said Manley.
In early April, Manley and her daughter went to the hospital after experiencing a fever and a persistent cough. They tested negative for the flu. As a result, doctors tested them for the coronavirus. While her daughter tested negative, Manley tested positive.
After a few weeks, Manley says pain from the virus was replaced with the burden of a costly medical bill.
While her insurance paid for the hospital portion of the bill because it was coded correctly, Manley says she was charged by a contracted medical partner of the hospital. Her testing was coded as a cough for her daughter, and a cough, fever and shortness of breath for herself.
After repeated calls to the medical partner, nothing was resolved. That’s when she enlisted WBTV Charlotte for help.
A local reporter made several inquiries into the hospital’s medical partner. Finally, Manley was notified that her balance will be reduced to zero.