American College Of Emergency Physicians Starts New Campaign Against ER Rule
By Consumers for Quality Care, on May 7, 2018

The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) has launched the next part of its campaign against Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield’s emergency room coverage policy. CQC wrote about this harmful policy and its impact on consumers in the past.
In this new iteration of its campaign, ACEP released two videos depicting how Anthem’s policy might impact consumers and their decisions whether to seek treatment.
ACEP hits back against Anthem’s policy, saying:
This policy is unlawful, because it violates the prudent layperson standard, which is part of federal law, including the Affordable Care Act, and 47 state laws. Patients can’t be expected to self-diagnose their medical conditions. Two people may have identical symptoms but have different diagnoses — one life threatening, one non-urgent.
Watch ACEP’s videos below.