Georgia Insurance Department Monitoring New BCBS ER Rules
By Consumers for Quality Care, on June 23, 2017

Georgia’s Insurance Department announced it would monitor a new Blue Cross Blue Shield policy that seeks to limit coverage for certain types of emergency room visits. According to Georgia Health News:
The state insurance department says it will monitor the new emergency room policy of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia “to make sure that it is not abused to the disadvantage of Georgia policyholders.”
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield recently sent letters to customers warning some of their emergency room visits would no longer be covered if the insurer does not deem them necessary.
Georgia Deputy Insurance Commissioner Jay Florence said the department will closely monitor the new policy to make sure it is not “abused to the disadvantage of Georgia policyholders.”
But Florence added, “You buy health insurance to make sure you are protected when something bad happens. We are tracking our phone calls and have created a specific code for complaints related to Blue Cross Blue Shield’s new policy. . . . We will closely monitor this new policy to make sure that it is not abused to the disadvantage of Georgia policyholders.”