Insurers And Providers Squabble Over Reimbursement Rates As Consumers Hang In The Balance
By Consumers For Quality Care, on June 30, 2021

According to Axios, the latest debate over health care in Washington D.C. could have lasting implications for the cost of patient care.
As Congress works to implement legislation aimed at protecting patients from surprise bills, insurance companies and health care providers are locked in a battle to determine how reimbursement payment disputes will be settled – leaving billions of dollars hanging in the balance that could ultimately be passed on to patients.
No matter how the argument over reimbursement rates is settled, patients shouldn’t be caught in the crosshairs.
Recent research shows that 35 percent of voters say they or a loved one has received a surprise medical bill. While stronger rules and oversight will be in place by 2022, insurers continue to find loopholes that result in more surprise bills for consumers.
Congress should ensure the 2022 law is implemented, adhered to and that patients are adequately protected from all forms of surprise billing.