More Consumers Have Their Medical Debt Erased
By Consumers For Quality Care, on May 8, 2019
Shortly after Consumers for Quality Care highlighted a story about a Tennessee news station helping eliminate consumers’ medical debt, consumers in Kansas learned that their debt was also paid off. KWCH reports that $2.2 million of Kansans’ medical debt has been eliminated.
Pathway Church in Wichita worked with RIP Medical Debt to pay off the debt of more than 1,600 Kansans. RIP Medical Debt purchases medical debt for pennies on the dollar. Once the debt is purchased, it no longer impacts consumer’s credit history.
[M]ore than a thousand Kansans received a note that read, “We’re Pathway Church. We may never meet you, but as an act of kindness … your debt has been forgiven.”
The news was welcome for consumers like Jaclyn Jones, whose medical debt had been erased after NewsChannel 5’s donation to RIP Medical Debt. Jones says that the notice was a good change of pace. She’s used to checking the mail and finding medical bills for herself and her father, instead.
“They hit you hard. And you think, ‘Will I ever get out of this medical situation?'” she said.
Jones says she had close to $300 in medical debt paid off.
“I am just grateful to God it happened, it’s at least a start.”